Module org.apache.sis.metadata
Package org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent
package org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.extent
Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent.
An explanation for this package is provided in the OpenGIS® javadoc.
The remaining discussion on this page is specific to the SIS implementation.
For a global overview of metadata in SIS, see theorg.apache.sis.metadata
package javadoc.
Class hierarchy | Aggregation hierarchy |
ISO 19115 metadata ├─ Extent ├─ Geographic extent «abstract» │ ├─ Geographic bounding box │ ├─ Geographic description │ └─ Bounding polygon ├─ Vertical extent └─ Temporal extent └─ Spatial temporal extent |
Extent ├─ Geographic extent «abstract» ├─ Vertical extent └─ Temporal extentSpatial temporal extent └─ Geographic extent «abstract»Geographic bounding box Geographic description Bounding polygon |
In addition to the standard properties, SIS provides the following methods:
for extracting a global geographic bounding box.intersection(GeographicBoundingBox, GeographicBoundingBox)
for computing the intersection of two geographic bounding boxes.area(GeographicBoundingBox)
for estimating the area of a geographic bounding box.
setBounds(double, double, double, double)
for setting the extent from (λ,φ) values.setBounds(Envelope)
for setting the extent from the given envelope.setBounds(GeographicBoundingBox)
for setting the extent from another bounding box.add(GeographicBoundingBox)
for expanding this extent to include another bounding box.intersect(GeographicBoundingBox)
for the intersection between the two bounding boxes.
for setting the vertical element from the given envelope.
setBounds(Date, Date)
for setting the temporal element from the start time and end time.setBounds(Envelope)
for setting the temporal element from the given envelope.
for adding extent elements inferred from the given envelope.
Null values, nil objects and collections
All constructors and setter methods acceptnull
A null argument value means that the metadata element cannot be provided, and the reason for that is unspecified.
Alternatively, users can specify why a metadata element is missing by providing a value created by
Unless otherwise noted in the Javadoc, all getter methods may return an empty collection,
an empty array or null
if the type is neither a collection or an array.
Note that non-null values may be NilObject
Unless the metadata object has been marked as unmodifiable and unless otherwise noted in the Javadoc, all collections returned by getter methods are live: adding new elements in the collection modify directly the underlying metadata object.
- Since:
- 0.3
ClassesClassDescriptionBase class for geographic area of the dataset.Boundary enclosing the dataset, expressed as the closed set of (x,y) coordinates of the polygon.Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent.Geographic position of the dataset.Description of the geographic area using identifiers.Extent with respect to date/time and spatial boundaries.Time period covered by the content of the dataset.Vertical domain of dataset.